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Friday, April 10, 2015

The US Chess Championship 2015 and GM Wesley SO

The US Chess Championship 2015 and GM Wesley SO

After nine rounds in the US Chess Championship of 2015, Super Grandmaster Wesley So continue to encounter problem after problem in his first appearance in the prestigious US Chess event, first it was rumored that someone tried to sabotage his first venture into the US Chess championship by financing some of GM Wesley’s close relative to be booked right into the venue of the event, the relatives turned out harass GM Wesley right in the first day of the event to the point of making a scene in the venue, for whatever reason, I will no longer discuss it here, but their actions are strong enough to prohibit them near the venue and for GM Wesley to be escorted in and out of the venue.

As an avid fan of Wesley starting when he was then a promising kid, we were then both participant in the Philippine National Open Chess Championship he was then starting to carve a name for himself, I believe he was not even a master then, when suddenly he started taking every strong players on his way to finally earn his place in the Philippine elite of Chess, this dominance was so prominent that he did not give any of his opponent an easy draw until the last round he fight for every point possible in that tournament that earn my respect and made me predict that someday Wesley will be a force to reckon with not only in the Philippines.

True enough he seem to improve in every event that he join and continue his fight for every point style even losing some that are winning or can be easily drawn, except in one tournament where his fans both internationally and in the Philippines questioned his quick draw with a Grandmaster who eventually won the event and Wesley as co-Champion, but his fans did not understand Wesley motive then, as aside from being co-champion he also made another milestone in his Chess career by breaching the 2700 mark considered as the elite level in Chess to date. This because of Wesley’s tremendous fighting character and will to win in every game.  

This caught the attention of highly touted former World Woman Chess Champion GM Susan Polgar to recruit Wesley as Webster University Chess Scholar under her SPICE training program that further enhance Wesley’s Chess career and catapulted him to as high as number 6 in the Fide ratings list after winning the First Millionaire Chess though, he decided to forego his studies and give up a lucrative Chess scholarships in Webster University to turn full time Chess Professional.

Now barely few months after turning pro, he is now in his most difficult times of his Chess career in the present tournament that he is playing the US Chess Championship of 2015 he already suffered 4 setbacks the last is a forfeited game against GM Akobian allegedly for writing reminders for himself, that cost him the point and the game, defending on the result of the last 2 games of this tournament, this may turn as Wesley’s worst tournament performance after breaching the 2700 mark, at one point in his career there was this unbeaten streak that Wesley holds as his credential to gain more invitation and maintain his steady rise in the Fide rating list.

If ever there really was a plot to sabotage Wesley’s first venture into the US Chess Championship, it is by far successful by making a dent in Wesley’s sterling Chess career at least in this tournament, but knowing Wesley since his younger days and as an avid fan, I sincerely believe that Wesley will recover in no time, and bounce back from his usual form that would erase the stigma out of this disastrous event.

There is no doubt in my mind that minus distractions Wesley could have win the event or in a better position right now, he is 4.5/9 the tournament leader is 6.5 points just imagine if Wesley could at least draw all the 4 lost games, and let me remind you that when Wesley is in his true element he hardly concede a draw.

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