First and foremost you must love
the game, if you organize Chess to earn money then you are bound to fail, this
is the sad truth as most organizers don’t earn money some are even shelling out
their own money, resources and time to be able to have a Chess tournament.
Second you must avoid negative
people or players, again this is sad but most players are themselves have a
crab mentality when their peers are successful in organizing that they want to
join you to ride in your accomplishment but if you fail you will be alone,
there are lots of this kind and you must avoid this kind of persons.
Third you must have an integrity,
this is the most crucial part of being an organizer, proving your integrity is
a long term process but if you are determined the longer you organize
tournaments and prove your integrity in every event will improve your
credibility, and you will be surprised by the result of your hard work, People
or Institution will contact you to help them organize or manage the event
because of your expertise and track record.
Fourth do not allow yourself to have
a political inclination, there are politician’s that will attempt to use you to
advance their political career, you must be careful about this and think
several times before accepting an offer of this kind, the best way is to stay
neutral during elections so that whoever wins your organizing tasks is not
Fifth Consider the flight of your
participants in every tournament, small come-ons like free accommodation and or
meals in an event will spread like fire and players will start to appreciate
your organizing skills and are sure to attend every event that you organize.
Sixth be honest when dealing with
your fellow organizers, arbiters stewards, encoders, Pairing director and other
personnel that are involve in the officiating, make sure that their needs are
met and what is promised are fulfilled like pays, accommodation others.
Seventh be enthusiastic, enthusiasm
is contagious so be enthusiastic in every event that you organized the higher
your enthusiasm the more you attract positive people on your side and you will
be surprised that sponsors will start supporting your event because of your
track record.
Eight always think of an
improvement, try to improve in every event that you organize, in this way
participants will be thrilled to participate in your event expecting your usual
novelty in every tournament.
Ninth be fair, being impartial in
every tournament will increase your credibility, whenever you conduct
tournament, forget all your friends for the moment and treat every participants
equally, in this way even new participants or sponsors will recognize your
fairness and this will again spread like wildfire and eventually help boost
your credibility.
Tenth do not hesitate to help
players in need in your event, there are times that players will encounter
difficulties or problems during your tournament like lost wallet, money,
valuables etc. do your best to help this people as this people is your responsibility
during the event, this trait will again be appreciated by all people involved in
the event.
This ten tips is based on my personal experience in my more than 20
years of promoting Chess as an alternative sport, I am doing this to help other
player’s avoid what I experience during my younger days, no tournaments, no
Chess clubs to play and no opportunities for advancement for promising players.
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