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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Obesity is there a cure to it?

Obesity can be traced to wrong eating habit and limited physical activity, this two things if left unchanged will cause more serious problem like acquiring Diabetes and other illness that is associated with obesity, but obesity can be reduced if the person suffering from it will reverse all his/her daily routine, for example; If you are rarely going out because you are ashamed, go out and look for physical activity it could be sport like golf.

Playing golf is gradual ways of reducing obesity as you walk from hole to hole you tend to burn more calories while you enjoy the game.

Walking with friends around the neighborhood is also a way to reduce obesity and you even gain friends as you enjoy walking and talking with friends.

If you are so obsess with eating try to avoid this by looking for an activity that will help you busy like gardening thereby forgetting your craving for food and eat less in the process.

Avoid activity that will make you sedimentary like watching TV and computer games, this activity will double your chances of being more obese.

So Obesity is not a cause for alarm as long as the obese person is determined enough to change his/her routine.

Start an activity to eliminate obesity set a goal for a week and monitor it, check your BMI (Body Mass Index) weekly and as positive results occur, you will be more determined to surpass your accomplishment for the week and eventually you will not notice that you are now as healthy as anyone else in the neighborhood and you will gain more confidence in the process.

The lower the self esteem of a person suffering from obesity the harder it is to reverse the situation so learn to gain self confidence then start making your goal your ultimate reward here is as you inched forward to your goal the more you gain confidence. The more confident a person the lesser is the chance that he/she will acquire obesity.

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