Amazon Deal of the Day

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Penny Stocks and Investments

Penny stocks: Penny stocks are the small value shares that are generally preferred by many people for investments. These shares can easily be purchased in pennies and that’s why are preferred for investments. However the investment in penny stocks is risky as you are not aware about the nature and background of the company where you are investing your money. Therefore all the precautions must be taken before investing in penny stocks and a thorough research about the company offering penny stocks is helpful in deciding in favor or against a specific penny stock.

Investment in penny stocks: A wise decision and through research about the penny stocks can be rewarding otherwise this is the highly risky market. You have to be careful and should never purchase the stocks being offered to you almost free or even in a few pennies. There are some good stocks on offer and in past a few stocks offered at 10 to 20 cents have crossed the five dollar mark although majority of stocks fails to do so.

Many people see the investment in penny stocks as an opportunity to earn a few dollars at the same time invest low amount so that the risk is minimal. People get learning experience while trading in penny stocks. People also develop some research skill about the companies offering penny stocks. It is good to learn about stock market by investing a small amount and therefore the basics of investment and trading can be easily understood.

Precautions: As investment in penny stocks is highly risky and therefore some precautions are necessary to avoid loss in this market. As the information about penny stocks do not come from reliable source, you should get the second opinion from another broker before making any investment in the particular penny stocks. Do not purchase the stocks in hurry as most of the time the broker will not give you sufficient time to make a decision. Think twice before making any investment and do not invest too much in a single stock.

You may get emails or phone calls about some of the penny stocks. The brokers or companies pay for such phone calls or email spammers and therefore you should avoid investing in such stocks. Many times lot of rumors is spread about some of the penny stocks and you should be alert and never pay attention to such rumors. It is better to consult financial consult or take second opinion before investing in any penny stock. Many times companies or broker may mislead you y offering free stocks or newsletters, you should avoid all such offers.

Summary: Many penny stocks has grown tremendously in the past from a mare 10 or 20 cent and crossed $5.0 mark. A lot of rumors prevails in the penny stock market so a wise decision can give you some profit otherwise you may lose your money.

Penny Stock Returns

Why do people invest in penny stocks if they are so risky? The answer lies in a few facts as well as a few misconceptions about penny stocks.  First let us look at the positive side of how penny stocks can be more profitable.

It is a well-known fact in finance that risk and return have a positive correlation. This means that an investment that carries greater risk will also give higher returns. The reason for this is very easy to understand and is almost intuitive. Suppose you had $10,000 to invest and two options A and B. Option A is a secure government bond that gives you 5% return, while option B is a higher risk investment in a company that will pay you only if it makes profits. Assume that this company has a history of making 5% Profits over several years and is likely to continue on the same lines.

That is, you can expect to get a return of 5% in future years, but that is subject to the company making the same level of profits. Where would you invest your money? If the returns are likely to be the same and if you are a sane person, you would obviously invest in the risk free option. Now suppose, options B were to pay you not 5% but 15% consistently, you might be tempted to put your money in it. In other words, a higher return can make you to invest in a riskier venture.

Since penny stocks are higher risk alternatives compared to regular stocks, the only way they can attract investment is by holding out a promise of higher return. How would a penny stock offer a higher return? This will be done not directly by the stock or the company, but by market forces. The market price of a stock is fixed on the basis of a few factors such as its intrinsic value and the return yielded by it. The market price of a stock divided by the return it gives is known as the price-earnings ratio.

For example, if $10 stocks were to be traded in the market at $20, and the company earns a net income per share of $1, the price-earnings ratio is 20. The price-earnings ratio will be higher for solid stocks that are known to be backed up by good management, have a history of consistent and good performance, and are perceived to be stable. The price-earnings ratio for stocks that are riskier, unknown and do not enjoy a positive perception will be much lower. This means that as against the example of price-earnings ratio of 20 that we assumed for a stable and well-known stock, a penny stock may have a much lower price-earnings ratio, say 3 or 4. Actual figures will depend on a number of other factors also.

Because of this, a penny stock will be priced lower for the same level of net income, and will therefore yield a higher return on the investment.

Penny stock picks

Penny stocks- an introduction:  If you are well aware about penny stocks and want to invest some money in penny stocks, you will be interested to know how to pick penny stocks. You will find a list of many stocks being traded at the website of pink sheets and will be interested to invest in some of the future Microsoft or Wal-Mart. This may happen only if the investor picks a right penny stock otherwise he or she may lose the amount.

Limited information for penny stocks: It is really very difficult to find information on penny stocks, as there are reliable sources with us. First of all the information provided by the company may not be the correct one and suppose if the information provided is correct, it may not be relevant.

For penny stocks we are not sure how to find information about the companies offering penny stocks. These companies have to provide a very little information to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and get easily listed at pink sheets. These companies are therefore not regulated by SEC, as is the case with companies listed at NASDAQ or NYSE. Furthermore the history of the companies listed at penny stocks is not available. The companies may be bankrupt or new having no experience of business and thus can be highly risky. A new investor should therefore carry out the research about the companies before putting their hard earned money into the market.

The next restriction on penny stocks is the limited liquidity. Sometimes it is difficult to sell the stock, as you may not find the buyer for it. Having very low liquidity, you may have to sell the stock at hefty discount causing you a heavy loss. Sometimes the brokers manipulate the penny stocks in various ways and may cause you sever loss so until and unless you do not understand the basics of stock market avoid investing large amount in penny stocks.

Chances of fraud: As the companies offering penny stocks are not scrutinized or regulated by government agencies or The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), penny stocks are more prone to fraud. Most of the times the companies spread rumors about their financial performance and other related issues to mislead the investors. Many times these companies take the help of media such as newspapers, radio or email and hype about the penny stocks offered by them. You may get several emails (spam) from their agents as well. These companies also pay for some financial consult for recommending their penny stocks to the investors.

Picking the right penny stock: Although the market of penny stock is highly risky, good companies are also available at OTCBB and pink sheets. The actual understanding is needed to identify the good penny stock and a lot of research is needed before putting money in penny stocks.

Summary: Picking of a right penny stock is the key factors for earning and you should ensure yourself that you are picking the right penny stock. Sometimes a little research can help you picking a right penny stock.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Penny stocks getting started

Introduction to Penny stocks: Penny stocks are low priced speculative stocks and these stocks are traded in over the counter (OTC) market. As per SEC (The Securities and Exchange Commission of United States) the maximum price of the penny stocks is fixed at $5.0 per share and in actual the price of these stocks are well below and sometimes a mare one cent. Although the penny stocks are commonly traded in the over the counter market, however these can also be traded at NYSE or NASDAQ.

How to start trading penny stocks: Although it is a common belief that the penny stocks are risky but at the same time as the share prices are generally low, the risk associated with penny stocks is also minimal. Many people see investing in penny stocks as an opportunity to learn share-trading techniques and at the same time not all penny stocks are risky. Although the investment in penny stocks may not substantially improve your financial condition, but the selected penny stocks may give you some profit.

If you have made your mind to invest a small amount of money in penny stocks, you will have to approach a trader or dealer for getting started. As per SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission of United States) guidelines you have to give a written request to the broker and after approval you may buy the stock from the broker. You should consult the trader and should invest carefully. Your broker will tell you the rate of the stock and brokerage.

Before investing in penny stocks contact to the Securities division of your state and get information about the broker. The history of broker provides important information about the license and disciplinary actions taken against the broker.

Once you have decided to deal with a broker, get all the information regarding the penny stocks, brokerage and other terms and conditions in writing from the broker. You should also keep the records of all the written documents provided to you by your broker. You should ask your broker to provide you the written documents mentioning the recommendation for buying or selling of any penny stocks. You should also take an independent opinion about the penny stocks from another broker and decide judiciously before making any investment. Your broker should also provide you a monthly statement mentioning the penny stocks held by you in your account and the rates of the penny stocks.

SIPC Coverage: Brokerage firms dealing in penny stocks will generally have SIPC (Securities Investor Protection Corporation) coverage. If the brokerage firm is unable to pay you your dues due to bankruptcy, the SIPC ensures that the customer owned penny stocks held by the brokerage firms are paid. SIPC insures the entire customer owned securities held by the brokerage firm, however in case of fraud, the insurer is not liable to pay the amount.

Summary:  Although investment in penny stocks is not quick rich type of schemes but the investment in penny stocks may provide an opportunity to learn trading. You should take at least a second opinion about the specific company before investing in a penny stock.

Learning the Basics of Penny Stocks

Penny stocks are stocks that are either low in value or low in the total market capitalization. The definition of penny stocks can vary a bit from one person to another. Generally, penny stocks can be understood to mean any stock that is not a major stock. The two criteria that we have set above will determine whether a stock is a penny or not based on its price and market capitalization.

In addition, one can also consider a stock as a penny stock if it does not conform to stock exchange regulations and are thus more risky. In practice, however, it would be extremely difficult to find a large market stock that is not meeting the major stock exchange regulations. Because of this reason, penny stocks are generally understood to be those stocks whose absolute price or market capitalization is very low.

The next question that arises is ‘how low is low’? Obviously this is a little subjective and also prone to change from time to time. While there are no hard and fast rules, we can follow some rules of thumb. However, you must remember that not only are these rules not sacrosanct but also are likely to keep changing over time. Having said that, we can set some rules of thumb for considering a stock as penny stock. Any stock that is below a certain cut off price is considered as penny stock.

The cut off price is a matter of opinion. Some consider any stock below $5 to be a penny stock, while others are more liberal and consider only those stocks that are below $3 to be penny stocks. There are still others who would rather set the limit at $1, considering any stock above $1 as not a penny stock. Similarly, in the case of market capitalization, various limits are set by various people. In general, we can consider any stock with a market capitalization below $300 million to be a penny stock.

There could further classifications within this group, with stocks having a market cap of below $50 million being considered a step below penny stocks and classified as nano-cap stocks. The general idea is that any stock having a low per stock price or low market capitalization would be considered as a penny stock.

In case you are wondering what is market capitalization, here’s some information that would help you. Market capitalization (or market cap for short) is the total value of all outstanding stocks at the current price. Suppose a stock sells at $10 and there are 100,000 stocks outstanding, the total market cap would be 10 x 100,000 or $1 million. Market cap is an important indicator, because the greater the total amount outstanding the greater the stakes.

If a large number of people or a large amount of money is involved in a stock, the chances are that there will be greater control on the stock. There is one exception to this. If the stock is not traded on a regular stock exchange like NASDAQ, it is not under any regulatory control to comply with a number of regulations that have been designed to safeguard the interest of the investor.

In these cases, even if t he market cap or the price is large, there may not be sufficient safety. In general, however, we can assume that for large market cap stocks the possibility of being outside the purview of a recognized stock exchange are very remote. The reasons for this, as well as the reason why penny stocks are considered risky will form the subject matter of our next article.

Learning More about Penny Stocks

There’s so much information out there on different stocks, and advice on how to play the stock market. But which advice do you trust, and how do you know that you’re getting good advice? When it comes to learning more about penny stocks, do you know where to start?

Finding out what penny stocks are, and how to trade in them, is the first step in trading penny stocks. After all, if you’re going to invest you want to know what you’re investing in and the best way to do it, right? This only makes sense. But many investors want to learn all they can about stocks, before they invest their valuable money – and their time, which is sometimes even more valuable than any amount of money.

So how do you go about learning more about penny stocks? A good place to start is the Internet, and not those spam e-mails that talk about penny stocks – never trust those. But there is valuable information to be found online and knowledgeable people who will answer any questions you may have. The Internet can always be a valuable source of information on any topic – as long as you remember not to trust everything you read you find online. It’s always good to double and triple check any facts you unearth online, just to be on the safe side.

But for chatting with others and learning public opinion, there is no better forum. And isn’t talking to fellow investors the best way to learn about investing? Those who have played the market using penny stocks are the people who will be able to offer you the best information and advice. They can tell you what they did, and perhaps even answer questions.

You’ll find online forums, chat groups, discussion boards, and entire sites dedicated to investing in all kinds of stocks. You may even be able to find some penny stock-dedicated forums and groups, where you can learn about the stock type that most interests you. This is a great way to find out what real people are saying about their stocks, and if they’re actually making any money with them. Some people may brag about huge returns and this sort of information should perhaps be taken with a grain of salt, unless stock numbers seem to match their claims. As you talk with people and learn more, you’ll become more and more familiar with the penny stocks of your choice.

After all, it’s not like you can just take your broker’s word for it. When it comes to your money, you should learn all you can about where you’re investing and what you’re investing into. The Internet is a great source of information, and you can look up penny stocks and penny stock information online as well as chat with other investors. There may be some false information, but there is a lot of really good information – and the only way to find it is to look. Talk to others, and learn more about penny stocks before you invest. It may help you may bigger profits and enjoy bigger returns, as a result.

Monday, March 26, 2012

How you can make (or lose) money on penny stocks

As we have seen earlier, penny stocks carry higher risks and also can give greater returns. This actually means that you can either lose a lot of money by investing in penny stocks (because of the higher risk factor) or make a lot of money (because of the higher potential returns). Which of these happens to you will depend a lot (but not only) on how you go about assessing the investment. Before we go further, however, you should be aware that no matter how much care you may take there is a certain amount of risk associated with penny stocks, which is much higher than in the case of large cap, stock exchange registered stocks.

In order to assess whether you can make money out of a penny stock, you should understand how one makes money in the stock market. One of the returns that one gets from a stock investment is in the form of dividends. That however, is usually a very small portion of the returns that one gets from stock investment. The major returns come from appreciation in the price of the stocks. The prices of stocks are assessed using different yardsticks or parameters. The first of these is the return on investment. If the return on a stock is 10% and the price earnings ratio is 10, for example, the stock would be priced at ten time the earnings or 100% of issue price. In other words this stock would be traded at its face value. From this we can see that the price would depend on two things, the absolute return and the price-earnings ratio.

The second important factor that affects the price is the book value of the stock, which is basically computed as a figure that represents the assets available in the company against each stock. For example, if a company has net assets of $100,000 and has issued 10,000 shares, the value of each share under this method would be $10.

The price of a share is also valued on the basis of a few other criteria. However, the most important factor from the market point of view is the returns that the stock generates. The value under this method would depend on the earnings and the price-earnings ratio. The latter is a matter of perception that will depend on the risks associated with the stock. This perception will undergo changes depending on the history of performance of the organization, the available information about the company and its prospects, and the market buzz about impending major events in the company (for example a takeover by a major organization).

Of these, the most important from the long-term point of view is the consistency and quantum of earnings from the long term and the direction of the price-earnings ratio in the short term. As an investor what you need to assess and be aware of are

- Is the company stable enough to sustain its earnings and growth? Who are the promoters? How long has it been in business? Answers to these and other such questions

- How is the market perception of the company? How is it likely to change?

- How are the “fundamentals”? Does the company have a good asset base? Does it enjoy a good business?

Finally, the old adage “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” is true to a greater extent in the case of penny stocks. So invest a little at a time and don’t put all your money on one or a few such stocks.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fraudulent Activities in Penny Stocks

An Introduction to fraudulent activities in penny stocks: We all suffer from some kind of fraud or misappropriation of our money from cheaters many times in our life. There are few people engaged in fraud and uses various fraudulent measures to sell penny stocks to people. The Securities and Exchange Commission of United States of America seems to be inappropriate in controlling all these frauds as many fraudulent activities takes place daily.

These stocks are highly risky due to various reasons and fraud is one of the reasons. Sometimes a few market makers control the stock and thus adopt the fraudulent activities such s spam and phone calls.

Role of Brokers or Market Makers: In recent past the fraudulent activities of some of the brokers or market makers has been noticed by people and reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission of United States.

If a company offers a few market makers (one or two) to sell or buy the penny stocks of the company. These market makers therefore hype about the company and mislead the investor for buying. As all the stocks of the company will be in the hands of a bunch of people, these people control the stock prices.

Many times the company pay for some dealers or brokers for selling the stocks and for getting more money, the broker or dealer adopts fraudulent methods for selling the stocks. The dealer or broker will generally contact you over phone and hype about the stocks. Sometimes the dealer or broker can use email to convince the people. The poor people and people who do not have resources to verify the particulars of such emails or such phone calls easily get victims.

Sometimes the dealer or broker may offer free stocks and after manipulating the prices can ask for more investment in a specific penny stocks. This may be one of the techniques to lure the people but you should avoid taking free penny stocks. Sometimes free pamphlets or free newsletters can be offered to the people and these free newsletters should also be avoided these newsletter may contain some misleading information. Some brokers may ask you to make investment quickly and you should avoid quick decisions, as in most of the cases this technique is part of frauds.

You should go through the prospectus of the company and see all the particulars including risk factors very carefully. Penny stocks listed at pink sheets are highly risky and you should ensure about these stocks before investing in them. You should enquire about your broker from the state office of the Securities and Exchange Commission before dealing with the broker.

Summary: By taking some of the common and simple steps, you can be safe while investing in penny stocks. Do enquire about your broker from other investors as well as from the state office of the Securities and Exchange Commission before investing in his or her recommended penny stocks.

Penny Stocks: How Do You Trade in Penny Stocks?

Many beginning investors hear that penny stocks are a good way to get started playing the stock market. But penny stocks are hard to find and trade infrequently. So, how do you trade in penny stocks when you’re interested in making an investment?

Penny stocks don’t trade on well-known stock exchanges such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX. Rather, penny stocks are traded “over-the-counter,” and infrequently so. Some investors shy away from trading in penny stocks because of this infrequent trading, which makes it hard to sell penny stocks. Some investors fear being unable to unload stock that’s losing money, compromising capital, and losing their entire investment. This can happen with stock that trades infrequently, and this can happen with penny stocks. Penny stocks are considered a high-risk investment for just this reason.

But if you can’t find them on the open market, then how do you trade in penny stocks? It’s true that penny stocks sell for low prices, allowing investors to buy shares at minimum prices. When all goes well, the stocks make good profit for a small initial investment. This is the promise of penny stocks, and why some investors find them very compelling. Those who want to trade in penny stocks may have to look a little harder to find the stocks they want to invest in, but for many this is worth it. Finding information on trading penny stocks isn’t all that difficult.

If you work with a broker, your broker will have lots of information on different penny stocks. If you choose to work with a broker when investing in penny stocks, you’ll get monthly updates on the progress of your stock, and always know what the status of your investment is.

In order to trade in penny stocks, and to find out what penny stocks are available for you to invest in, check the OTCBB or Pink Sheets listings. This will help you find information not only on current penny stocks, but other over-the-counter investments that you might want to make. It’s a good idea to check your stock with both the OTCBB and Pink Sheets.

When trading is on, you may want to be prepared to act quickly. Trading in penny stocks can be tricky, so be sure you do your research. It may be a good idea to regularly check stock sheets and watch certain penny stocks before making any investments of your own. This will give you some idea of how certain stocks behave, and let you know what sort of activity you could see with your own investment. It’s always a good idea to thoroughly look into stock, and into any type of stock, before investing your money.

When you know how to trade in penny stocks, there’s nothing to stop you from making your own investment in the stock of your choice. If you’re interested in doing this type of trading, there’s no reason you shouldn’t give it a try. After all, in the end it’s your money, and you can do anything with it that you please.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Advantage in Trading Penny Stocks

Introduction: There are advantages or disadvantages with any of the stocks and similarly penny stocks have some advantages and disadvantages. Although the main disadvantage with penny stock is the risk factor associated with it, penny stocks have a number of advantages. Some of the advantages have been mentioned below.

Advantage in trading penny stocks:  A small and careful investment in penny stocks can bring a high amount of profit. A thorough research about the company offering penny stocks and the companies’ financial factors can give an idea about the company and prospects of its penny stocks for future. However, for getting the maximum advantage and profit from the penny stocks, you should evaluate and think twice before putting your hard earned money into the market. This is one of the markets where you may not get the authentic and reliable information and you will have to search the right stocks that can give you profit in the long run. There are a number of people involved in trading in the over the counter market and some lose and other gain.

You can learn patience and make money from the penny stock market; however you should remember that you should not make any hurry. You should be patient, although you may get lot of misleading statements from brokers or dealers, but avoiding hurry and taking an advice from another operator will benefit you.

Another advantage is that you have lot of opportunities that too in pennies in this market. You should look for the several stocks instead of looking for a single stock. You should also make comparison between stocks and on the basis of various factors including financial factors should decide about the specific stocks. Financial factors such as profit, revenue, and profit equity ratio are important for deciding in favor of a particular penny stock.

Now a day’s online booking and sales of stocks can be advantageous and you can come to a decision in time and at the same time you can look for the other vital parameters including financial parameter of the company. You can monitor your portfolios online and you can see the stock rates online at the website of pink sheets.

With these simple steps, you can gain a good amount from this market; however you should remember that the penny stocks market is not a quick rich type of market. Your intelligence and look for all the options before investing in a particular penny stocks can be beneficial for not only in terms of money but you can also gain expertise in the area.

Summary: There are numerous advantages in penny stock trading. A lot of opportunities are available in penny stocks if right steps are taken. By through examining the available stocks in the same group, you can arrive at a conclusion in favor of specific stocks on the basis of its performance and financial indicators.

Investing in penny stocks

The first question is 'To invest or not invest' in penny stocks. This is largely a personal decision that reflects your risk profile. If have the capacity as well as the nature to take greater risks, you could be looking at penny stocks. If your financial position is not very strong, and you have little spare money to invest, it is better that you keep off penny stocks altogether and look at established stocks only. Similarly, even if you have a lot of money to spare but are generally averse to taking risks, it is better that you don’t invest in penny stocks. If you are the kind of person, who likes to take risks in order to increase your returns, and can afford to lose some money if it comes to that, then you could look at penny stocks.

Once you decide to invest in penny stocks, you should take care to ensure that your investment has a reasonable chance of giving you good returns. For this purpose, you should look at a number of things such as the reputation of the company and its promoters, past history if any is available, and also assess the fundamentals. Finance Managers and accountants use the term fundamentals to refer to the intrinsic value of a company. The prices quoted in the share market are the result of many factors such as market sentiment. The fundamentals of the company on the other hand will show you what the company is actually worth. This consists in understanding the real value in terms of the assets and the revenues of the company.  If you invest in a company with good fundamentals, the chances of your losing will be greatly minimized. Use the methods of valuation of shares discussed in the earlier articles for t his purpose.

Another golden rule that is applicable to all shares, but particularly true in the case of penny stocks is the old adage, 'Don’t put all your eggs in one basket'. This is true even if you have inside information. Inside information refers to private information that you possess about a company that is likely to affect its share value in the short run to a major extent. For example, if you knew that company A is likely to be taken over by a major conglomerate offering a high price to the existing stockholders, and if this is not yet known to the general public, you have inside information. You have information that makes you pretty sure that the share price will raise in the market substantially once this fact becomes known. So it is usually safe to act on inside information, assuming of course that it is reliable and true. However, even in such cases you should avoid over exposing yourself, particularly in the case of penny stocks. Plans simply fail to materialize, for example, in which case you may be left holding a stock that has little value. Remember that there’s “many a slip between the cup and the lip”.

The next important thing to keep in mind while considering penny stocks is that you may not be able to sell them quickly, particularly if you have a large quantity. So if short-term liquidity is a concern for you, you should avoid investing in penny stocks. It is much easier to sell stocks that are traded on a regular stock exchange and ones that are well known and frequently traded.

To conclude, remember that penny stocks carry greater risks and less liquidity. Avoid over exposure. Invest after investigating. If you follow these rules, are careful, and lucky, you may make a good profit from penny stocks.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

MIx Martial Arts

Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a full contact combat sport that allows both striking and grappling styles, both standing and on the ground, these dangerous sport combines boxing, wrestling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, muay Thai, kickboxing, taekwondo, karate, judo and other styles.
English: Picture of fighters Shane Carwin and Junior Dos Santos facing off at UFC 131 in Vancouver, Canada.
11 June 2011(2011-06-11)
Own work

This full contact sport of Vale Tudo that originated in Brazil from the 1920s was introduced to the United States by the Gracie family in 1993 with the founding of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).

After some time, the more dangerous Vale Tudo style bouts of the early UFCs were regulated with the implementation of additional safer rules, which gave birth to the regulated form of MMA seen today.

From late 1960s to early 1970s the idea of adapting multiple martial arts was introduced in the west by Bruce Lee via his system called Jeet Kune Do. Lee then believed that "the best fighter is not a Boxer, Karate or Judo man, But someone who can combine and adapt to any style, to be formless, to adopt an individual's own style and not following the system of styles." In 2004 UFC President Dana White would call Lee the "father of mixed martial arts" stating: "If you look at the way Bruce Lee trained, the way he fought, and many of the things he wrote, he said the perfect style was no style. You take a little something from everything. You take the good things from every different discipline, combine and use what works best for you, and you throw the rest away".

In April 2000, the California State Athletic Commission decided to regulate the sport that gave birth to the foundation for the Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts. However a review was determined that the sport fell outside the jurisdiction of the CSAC, rendering the vote superfluous.

This article was created to trace the origin of Mix martial Arts (MMA), this sport who are gaining popularity nowadays are starting to catch the attention of viewers due to its fast paced action that viewers tend to watch from start to finish.

Sources: Wikipedia, Picture courtesy of Bad intentionz

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Improve Your Grades For Free!

Student life can be very taxing. Deadlines here and there, reports and papers all lined up. You get caffeine in your veins with drinking too much coffee for those sleepless nights as you diligently review for your exams and lessons. Too much to do with so little time and you try your best to concentrate on whatever you are doing, but the thing is you can’t.

This is a common scenario of a student’s life. Either he or she simply can’t concentrate or he or she is too lazy to study. But what if you can be able to easily overcome these kinds of dilemmas of student life? No, you don’t have to drink any memory enhancing pills of some sort, all you have to do is listen to music, interesting isn’t it?

A Sublime Method

Research of subliminal messages has been ongoing since the 1900’s. Now, it has reached a point in which amazingly it can be of great personal help. In early phases of its study, it was only used usually by the government to train soldiers in spotting airplanes of the enemy. Also it was used in commercial advertising to increase their sales of popcorn and coke.

One Click Away

Now days, subliminal can be acquired even for private use. It is available for you in different kinds of media like audio, still visual, video and computer animations. There are even a lot of free subliminal in the internets that are downloadable easily. You can get it as an audio file that you can easily play on your computer, mp3 player or CD player.

There are also free downloadable subliminal generating programs that you can install in your computer. These ones are customizable for whatever need you may have. These messages can help you with a lot of things regarding your attitude especially in studying. Here are some of the problems that subliminal messages can help you out with.

Acquiring Concentration

Do you find it hard to concentrate on whatever it is that you are doing? Maybe ‘focus’ is not in your vocabulary worse scenario is if you are trying to study yet there are a lot of distractions in the environment like too much noise, people talking etc. If you are that kind of person, then you definitely need some help to boost up your attention span.

Through subliminal messaging, you can focus on your goals that you want to achieve. These goals can either be short term or long term. By simply encoding a message that would tell you to focus, concentrate and be attentive you can get that long attention span you’ve been looking for especially when listening to those hours of long boring lectures of your professor.

Memory Enhancement

Poor memory can be a big problem especially in studying for final exams. Not only that you are to remember a lot of terms but also with the accompaniment of high tension and fear that can cause you to have memory blocks. Of course, you already know what the terrible consequences of this kind of problem are.

With the help of subliminal messages, you can encode a message that can help you boost your memory. Your mind is set to be confident and not to have anxiety attacks during examinations, thus you can think well and access that stored knowledge in your memory easily.

Subliminal messaging is really a very powerful tool. With it you can have the solutions for your studying attitude problems. The best thing with it is that you get it for free!

Changing Your Man through Subliminal Messages

For women, there are some issues about men that are just too hard to handle. But what if you can actually be able to get rid of those unwanted behaviors of your man and get yourself a brand new reborn man? That would be every woman’s dream and gladly it is now possible with Mephisto Subliminal.

Subliminal messaging can help get rid of unwanted behaviors and can also make a man practice positive behaviors. Mephisto Subliminal has been producing scripts that are able to help women change their man for the better. There’s a variety of ways on how it can help.

Get Him to Talk

A huge number of arguments come from the issue that guys won’t tell or talk to their partners about what’s on their minds. Whether your relationship is at marital level or not, this is the most common problem. Communication is vital in every relationship, thus you need your man to communicate, whatever it takes, to keep the relationship going.

Through subliminal messaging, your questions like “What’s on your mind?”; “Is something wrong?” and the likes that are usually left unanswered can be for once given real attention to and actually answered by your man. Use of the messaging can make him talk, explain and be somewhat reasonable and understanding.

Trust Is the Key

Trust is one vital factor in a relationship. If there is no trust then you might as well say goodbye. Thus, if your man has been hurt before by his past relationships and he finds it hard to invest on that trust on your present relationship, subliminal messaging could just be the right thing to give him that trusting heart again.

The messaging can tell him not to be afraid. With it, he can forget his past and actually move on and live in the present. This ensures you that you are his present and there will be no more doubting your relationship. You and your man will be on your way to that assured trusting future.

Abuse Be Gone

If your man is the type who has some anger management issues and has little or no control over his emotions, then this is the message for him. Lack of control can lead to actions that can be unintentional or intentional. Either way, it could still hurt you and even your family or children.

Through this messaging, you can actually tell your man to stop the abuse that he does. In a way his anger management can be controlled. You wouldn’t have to worry of getting intentionally or unintentionally hit by him. Much more, if you have children, you need not have to worry of them getting hurt at all.

Cheaters Never Win

Having a third party in a relationship can be tough. Most men are inclined to cheat whether it because of falling in love to someone else or just plainly having sexual relations to others. This is when breakups start or divorces are filed, and a broken family is of by product, children suffering the consequences.

Now you can subliminally tell your man to stop the cheating or even don’t dare to start the cheating. With this, you will be the only woman in his life and that’s an assurance that you actually have him wrapped around your fingers.

Relationships are very complicated especially if there’s a lack of effort from the other. Thus, you should remember that subliminal messaging your man isn’t enough. You too should put effort into the relationship for it to be a happy one.

Black or White Manipulation

There are a lot of movies, stories and news today about alien abductions and other paranormal happenings. Telekinesis, mind reading and other skills are said to exist. Sometimes topics like these are laugh trips for you. But what if you just learned that you are actually being subjected into something that just sounds as hocus-pocus as those mentioned above?

A Driving Force

How would you feel if you find out that you are being manipulated to do a certain action or behave in a certain way without you knowing it or without even your consent? You may think that it would be pretty scary and indeed it is. But there’s more to it than that.

Subliminal Usage

The use of hidden messages has increased the past years. People are much more open to the so-called science than before. Many companies are selling subliminal as self-helping instruments. They say that by subliminally telling yourself to change your behavior, like having low self-esteem, you can actually do so!

However, subliminal messaging is not restricted only for private use. There had been lots of issues of this type of messaging system being used in public places and commercial advertisements of companies. Due to the believed effects, even large companies use this kind of system.

Proofs of Purchase

There had been reports of subliminal messages being used for advertising. Once, it was used in a cinema where a message was flashed to buy Coke and popcorn. The results was said to be that there was an increase in the popcorn and Coke sales that night. It was a really an amazing out come.

There was one instance too that a shopping mall used a subliminal message that conveyed the message ‘if you steal, you go to jail’. The outcome was remarkably the same as with the cinema incident. There was a significant drop of cases regarding shoplifting in the mall.

You can also browse the Internet for posters or ads that use subliminal. There are even logos of famous companies where the sublime messages are explained. These images all convey a sense of pleasure to the viewer enticing them to buy or come in the establishment. The question however is? Is it right to use subliminal to the public?

Black Side of the Market

A lot of people would probably be enraged if they found out that this kind of advertising is true. Wouldn’t you think that it is unfair for your part that you are made to buy a product because you were subconsciously manipulated to do so? Remember, you have nothing to fight against it at all.

It is very much unfair that the public, including you, is subjected to this kind of manipulation without them knowing it. It can be a form of invasion of privacy for some. Manipulating your actions through this kind of media without your consent can be really frustrating on your part.

White Side of the Market

However, there can be a good side too. Like the shopping mall incident stated above, subliminal messaging could be for the good too. If it’s true, there can be less crime committed, and safety can be assured.

Whether, subliminal, really work or not, it is inevitable that there is an issue regarding its public usage and you as a consumer, should be consciously aware of this.

Opting For a Different Approach

Life has too many struggles and people can get desperate at times. In face of so many troubles you may want to quit. You can choose to be high with drugs or you can choose to help yourself. Some choose an approach that may seem a little too eccentric yet has no side effects. All you need is to believe and see the effects; this is when they opt for the use of subliminal messages.

What Is It?

This is a method on which you embed a secret message within another message that can be perceived. An example would be embedding a hidden message within a song. When you listen to that specific song, you may not know it but your mind is also picking up that hidden message it can actually influence you to do what that message tells you to do.

These are called subliminal messages. More often there are a lot of companies now selling customized subliminal media at high costs. But of course with the Internet around there are also sites that offer free subliminal that already has a preprogrammed message. All you have to do is pick one that suits your need.

Beginners’ Guide

You may already have decided to get some free subliminal off the Internet. But if it’s your first time to use this kind of media, there are some things that you should know before using it. These are just some precautions that would ensure you the effectiveness of the message and just some safety reminders you ought to know.

Foresee the Product

Before downloading on any of the offered messages online, you should foresee first the product that you want. Meaning, you should think of your goal, the end product. You should have a mindset of what is it exactly that you want to be after using the subliminal for quite some time. Having a specific desired outcome is very helpful for you to monitor changes.

Suits You Right

Now that you have an outcome; it’s time for you to choose a subliminal audio track that fits you the best. Choose one that can help you with the problem you want to be solved or something that is approximate to it if you can’t find a free subliminal that answers exactly your problem.

Remember that you don’t have to go on a downloading spree. Just choose one for the mean time that you will use for about 21 days. Targeting one behavior at a time is more effective than targeting too many behaviors because this can clutter up your mind. So just choose one message for the meantime and listen to it for 20 minutes in the span of 21 days.


When you are listening to your track, make sure that you are not driving or operating machinery. Doing such activities can lessen the effect of the message because your mind is probably too busy with the ongoing activity. It is best that you listen to the track while at rest or in a relaxing environment.

Moving On

Finally, when you already seen the results that you wanted. Then it’s time to stop listening to the track. It’s time to move on and listen to other free subliminal self-help tracks to gain more positive attitudes in life!