Amazon Deal of the Day

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Improve Your Grades For Free!

Student life can be very taxing. Deadlines here and there, reports and papers all lined up. You get caffeine in your veins with drinking too much coffee for those sleepless nights as you diligently review for your exams and lessons. Too much to do with so little time and you try your best to concentrate on whatever you are doing, but the thing is you can’t.

This is a common scenario of a student’s life. Either he or she simply can’t concentrate or he or she is too lazy to study. But what if you can be able to easily overcome these kinds of dilemmas of student life? No, you don’t have to drink any memory enhancing pills of some sort, all you have to do is listen to music, interesting isn’t it?

A Sublime Method

Research of subliminal messages has been ongoing since the 1900’s. Now, it has reached a point in which amazingly it can be of great personal help. In early phases of its study, it was only used usually by the government to train soldiers in spotting airplanes of the enemy. Also it was used in commercial advertising to increase their sales of popcorn and coke.

One Click Away

Now days, subliminal can be acquired even for private use. It is available for you in different kinds of media like audio, still visual, video and computer animations. There are even a lot of free subliminal in the internets that are downloadable easily. You can get it as an audio file that you can easily play on your computer, mp3 player or CD player.

There are also free downloadable subliminal generating programs that you can install in your computer. These ones are customizable for whatever need you may have. These messages can help you with a lot of things regarding your attitude especially in studying. Here are some of the problems that subliminal messages can help you out with.

Acquiring Concentration

Do you find it hard to concentrate on whatever it is that you are doing? Maybe ‘focus’ is not in your vocabulary worse scenario is if you are trying to study yet there are a lot of distractions in the environment like too much noise, people talking etc. If you are that kind of person, then you definitely need some help to boost up your attention span.

Through subliminal messaging, you can focus on your goals that you want to achieve. These goals can either be short term or long term. By simply encoding a message that would tell you to focus, concentrate and be attentive you can get that long attention span you’ve been looking for especially when listening to those hours of long boring lectures of your professor.

Memory Enhancement

Poor memory can be a big problem especially in studying for final exams. Not only that you are to remember a lot of terms but also with the accompaniment of high tension and fear that can cause you to have memory blocks. Of course, you already know what the terrible consequences of this kind of problem are.

With the help of subliminal messages, you can encode a message that can help you boost your memory. Your mind is set to be confident and not to have anxiety attacks during examinations, thus you can think well and access that stored knowledge in your memory easily.

Subliminal messaging is really a very powerful tool. With it you can have the solutions for your studying attitude problems. The best thing with it is that you get it for free!

Changing Your Man through Subliminal Messages

For women, there are some issues about men that are just too hard to handle. But what if you can actually be able to get rid of those unwanted behaviors of your man and get yourself a brand new reborn man? That would be every woman’s dream and gladly it is now possible with Mephisto Subliminal.

Subliminal messaging can help get rid of unwanted behaviors and can also make a man practice positive behaviors. Mephisto Subliminal has been producing scripts that are able to help women change their man for the better. There’s a variety of ways on how it can help.

Get Him to Talk

A huge number of arguments come from the issue that guys won’t tell or talk to their partners about what’s on their minds. Whether your relationship is at marital level or not, this is the most common problem. Communication is vital in every relationship, thus you need your man to communicate, whatever it takes, to keep the relationship going.

Through subliminal messaging, your questions like “What’s on your mind?”; “Is something wrong?” and the likes that are usually left unanswered can be for once given real attention to and actually answered by your man. Use of the messaging can make him talk, explain and be somewhat reasonable and understanding.

Trust Is the Key

Trust is one vital factor in a relationship. If there is no trust then you might as well say goodbye. Thus, if your man has been hurt before by his past relationships and he finds it hard to invest on that trust on your present relationship, subliminal messaging could just be the right thing to give him that trusting heart again.

The messaging can tell him not to be afraid. With it, he can forget his past and actually move on and live in the present. This ensures you that you are his present and there will be no more doubting your relationship. You and your man will be on your way to that assured trusting future.

Abuse Be Gone

If your man is the type who has some anger management issues and has little or no control over his emotions, then this is the message for him. Lack of control can lead to actions that can be unintentional or intentional. Either way, it could still hurt you and even your family or children.

Through this messaging, you can actually tell your man to stop the abuse that he does. In a way his anger management can be controlled. You wouldn’t have to worry of getting intentionally or unintentionally hit by him. Much more, if you have children, you need not have to worry of them getting hurt at all.

Cheaters Never Win

Having a third party in a relationship can be tough. Most men are inclined to cheat whether it because of falling in love to someone else or just plainly having sexual relations to others. This is when breakups start or divorces are filed, and a broken family is of by product, children suffering the consequences.

Now you can subliminally tell your man to stop the cheating or even don’t dare to start the cheating. With this, you will be the only woman in his life and that’s an assurance that you actually have him wrapped around your fingers.

Relationships are very complicated especially if there’s a lack of effort from the other. Thus, you should remember that subliminal messaging your man isn’t enough. You too should put effort into the relationship for it to be a happy one.

Black or White Manipulation

There are a lot of movies, stories and news today about alien abductions and other paranormal happenings. Telekinesis, mind reading and other skills are said to exist. Sometimes topics like these are laugh trips for you. But what if you just learned that you are actually being subjected into something that just sounds as hocus-pocus as those mentioned above?

A Driving Force

How would you feel if you find out that you are being manipulated to do a certain action or behave in a certain way without you knowing it or without even your consent? You may think that it would be pretty scary and indeed it is. But there’s more to it than that.

Subliminal Usage

The use of hidden messages has increased the past years. People are much more open to the so-called science than before. Many companies are selling subliminal as self-helping instruments. They say that by subliminally telling yourself to change your behavior, like having low self-esteem, you can actually do so!

However, subliminal messaging is not restricted only for private use. There had been lots of issues of this type of messaging system being used in public places and commercial advertisements of companies. Due to the believed effects, even large companies use this kind of system.

Proofs of Purchase

There had been reports of subliminal messages being used for advertising. Once, it was used in a cinema where a message was flashed to buy Coke and popcorn. The results was said to be that there was an increase in the popcorn and Coke sales that night. It was a really an amazing out come.

There was one instance too that a shopping mall used a subliminal message that conveyed the message ‘if you steal, you go to jail’. The outcome was remarkably the same as with the cinema incident. There was a significant drop of cases regarding shoplifting in the mall.

You can also browse the Internet for posters or ads that use subliminal. There are even logos of famous companies where the sublime messages are explained. These images all convey a sense of pleasure to the viewer enticing them to buy or come in the establishment. The question however is? Is it right to use subliminal to the public?

Black Side of the Market

A lot of people would probably be enraged if they found out that this kind of advertising is true. Wouldn’t you think that it is unfair for your part that you are made to buy a product because you were subconsciously manipulated to do so? Remember, you have nothing to fight against it at all.

It is very much unfair that the public, including you, is subjected to this kind of manipulation without them knowing it. It can be a form of invasion of privacy for some. Manipulating your actions through this kind of media without your consent can be really frustrating on your part.

White Side of the Market

However, there can be a good side too. Like the shopping mall incident stated above, subliminal messaging could be for the good too. If it’s true, there can be less crime committed, and safety can be assured.

Whether, subliminal, really work or not, it is inevitable that there is an issue regarding its public usage and you as a consumer, should be consciously aware of this.

Opting For a Different Approach

Life has too many struggles and people can get desperate at times. In face of so many troubles you may want to quit. You can choose to be high with drugs or you can choose to help yourself. Some choose an approach that may seem a little too eccentric yet has no side effects. All you need is to believe and see the effects; this is when they opt for the use of subliminal messages.

What Is It?

This is a method on which you embed a secret message within another message that can be perceived. An example would be embedding a hidden message within a song. When you listen to that specific song, you may not know it but your mind is also picking up that hidden message it can actually influence you to do what that message tells you to do.

These are called subliminal messages. More often there are a lot of companies now selling customized subliminal media at high costs. But of course with the Internet around there are also sites that offer free subliminal that already has a preprogrammed message. All you have to do is pick one that suits your need.

Beginners’ Guide

You may already have decided to get some free subliminal off the Internet. But if it’s your first time to use this kind of media, there are some things that you should know before using it. These are just some precautions that would ensure you the effectiveness of the message and just some safety reminders you ought to know.

Foresee the Product

Before downloading on any of the offered messages online, you should foresee first the product that you want. Meaning, you should think of your goal, the end product. You should have a mindset of what is it exactly that you want to be after using the subliminal for quite some time. Having a specific desired outcome is very helpful for you to monitor changes.

Suits You Right

Now that you have an outcome; it’s time for you to choose a subliminal audio track that fits you the best. Choose one that can help you with the problem you want to be solved or something that is approximate to it if you can’t find a free subliminal that answers exactly your problem.

Remember that you don’t have to go on a downloading spree. Just choose one for the mean time that you will use for about 21 days. Targeting one behavior at a time is more effective than targeting too many behaviors because this can clutter up your mind. So just choose one message for the meantime and listen to it for 20 minutes in the span of 21 days.


When you are listening to your track, make sure that you are not driving or operating machinery. Doing such activities can lessen the effect of the message because your mind is probably too busy with the ongoing activity. It is best that you listen to the track while at rest or in a relaxing environment.

Moving On

Finally, when you already seen the results that you wanted. Then it’s time to stop listening to the track. It’s time to move on and listen to other free subliminal self-help tracks to gain more positive attitudes in life!

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